BAM is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Public Charity This designation by the IRS provides BAM, Members, and Donors the following advantages: 1). BAM is Tax Exempt from Federal and State Income Tax. 2). Donors can receive a tax deduction for qualifying donations made to BAM. BAM is Tax Exempt from Federal and State Income Tax. The IRS has provided BAM with a letter of Tax Exempt Status allowing us to spend more of our resources on our purpose to promulgate the art of Blacksmithing by not charging us taxes. The State of Missouri follows suit and treats us the same. Our annual filings are not to pay taxes but to demonstrate how we meet our purpose filed with the IRS and our bylaws. Benefits of donating to BAM: Donors can receive a tax deduction for qualifying donations made to BAM Donations (not membership dues or fees) made to BAM are tax deductible. Donations can be monetary or non-monetary (non-cash donation). Nonmonetary tax deductions require the filer to itemize. Donations to BAM maybe tax deductible, you need to check with your tax preparer or financial advisor. IRS can require a receipt for monetary donations of $250.00 or more. BAM can provide such a receipt. IRS can require a receipt for non-monetary donations of any amount and may require an appraisal of anything over $500.00. BAM will provide a receipt but the valuation is left up to the donor. This tax deductibility can also be useful for estates. To determine how useful, please discuss with your attorney or financial planner.