Mobile Training Station

You must be at least 14 years old and BAM membership is required to participate in MTS classes. If you are not a member please join, by sending a check for $30.00 dollars to: BAM c/o Jeremie Howell 11 West 10th Street Carrollton MO, 64633

Please use a membership application when signing up.

Click here for a printable Membership Application

When signing up for the workshops, please include the following information.

Application for Basic Blacksmith Techniques Workshops

Full Name______________________________________________

Street Address_________________________________________


State__________Zip Code________________________________

Telephone Number_______________________________________

E-mail ________________________________________________

Mail this along with a check made out to BAM to the workshop location that you plan on attending. Classes are $30.00 per day.

Following is a list of the workshops and the dates that we currently have scheduled.

Currently scheduled MTS WORKSHOPS:

Next beginner classes at Ray Scott’s shop in Eminence, Mo. on:

April 06 and 13, 2024 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Ray’s number: 417 255 5266

Check the BAM events calendar for more details and contact information.

There are currently no classes scheduled beyond that. Check back here for updates.