BAM Member Websites

Clock on the Link after the member’s name to visit their website.

Clicking on these Links will take you away from the BAM Site and to another URL.

Don Asbee – Asbee Metal Studio
Jerry Hoffmann – Blacksmiths Journal
Dick Nietfeld – Shady Grove Blacksmith Shop
Roberta Elliott – The Velvet Hammer
Dave Edwards – Persimmon Forge
Permission is granted to copy, reuse or reprint online or in printed form so long as David Edwards is credited as original creator and a link to his original post is included.
John Medwedeff – John Medwedeff Forge and Design
Preston Williams – Flat Creek Forge
Sid Suedmeier – Little Giant Power Hammer
Steve & David Kayne – Kayne and Son Blacksmiths Depot
Steve & David Kayne – Kayne and Son Custom Hardware
Kennon Blacksmith Shop
Walt Hull Ironwork
Perpetua Iron
American Iron Company